Some advice I’d give other women looking to follow in my footsteps is be consistent, be unique, and be you!
I hail from: Canberra, Australia
I pay my rent/mortgage by: Autopay
My guilty pleasure is: Hashbrowns
When I was little, I wanted to grow up and be: An AirHostess flight attendant
Now that I’m all growed up, I really want to: Inspire more people to fall in love with bikes!
The best time I ever had on a bike was: Competing for my country Australia at 2 Olympic Games and landing an MTB Worlds first female front flip at the Audi Nines event
The worst time I ever had on a bike was: When I have been injured and unable to ride
My mama always used to say: Be you stay true!
I’ve always wanted to learn how to: Do barista latte art
Something most don’t know about me is: I wear a contact in one eye
Shout out to: Trek Bicycles, Ford, Boost Mobile, Oakley, Knobby, Fasthouse, Fist, Maxxis, Ride concepts & Krush wash
Because: They not only support the action sports industry but are my amazing sponsors powering my ride
My five favorite words are: Live, laugh, dream, inspire, believe
I wear Bell, because: They are the safest and steaziest in the industry!